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When I switched to data science, I built my digital garden, datumorphism. I deliberately designed this digital garden as my second brain. As a result, most of the articles are fragments of knowledge and require context to understand them.

Making bricks is easy but assembling them into a house is not easy. So I have decided to use this repository to practice my house-building techniques.

I do not have a finished blueprint yet. But I have a framework in my mind: I want to consolidate some of my thoughts and learnings in an organized way. However, I do not want to compile a reference book, as datumorphism already serves this purpose. I am thinking of an

Open Source

This is an open-source project on GitHub: emptymalei/deep-learning.

How do I Write It

I am trying out a more "agile" method. Instead of finishing the whole project at once, I will release the book by chapter. A few thoughts on this plan:

  • Each new section should be a PR.
  • Release on every new section.

How do I track the Progress

I use GitHub Projects. Here is my board.

Contributors: LM